Familie Bozzetta
Via Templari 51
38030 Panchia
GPS: 46°17'11.28" N - 11°32'53.93" E
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Albergo Panorama Motorbike hotel in Panchia / Valsugana - Kaiserjäger road - Val di Fiemme / Trentino / Italy

Albergo Panorama in Panchia
Albergo Panorama in Panchia
Gemütliches Zimmer
Gemütliches Zimmer
Gemütliches Doppelbett
Gemütliches Doppelbett
Kulinarik im Hotel
Kulinarik im Hotel
Köstliche Nachspeise
Köstliche Nachspeise
Motorradtour in Panchia
Motorradtour in Panchia
Albergo Panorama in Panchia
Gemütliches Zimmer
Gemütliches Doppelbett
Kulinarik im Hotel
Köstliche Nachspeise
Motorradtour in Panchia
from € 45,00 Price per person
Albergo Panorama Motorbike hotel in Panchia / Valsugana - Kaiserjäger road - Val di Fiemme / Trentino / Italy

Albergo Panorama Motorbike hotel in Panchia / Trentino

Two major passions – sport and the mountains – are shared in the hotel. Every day. The Hotel Albergo Panorama is located in the heart of the Dolomites, in a fantastic sunny location with views of a fascinating mountain landscape.

Just 4 km away from Latemar and 6 km from Cermis, it’s the perfect starting point for cycling, motorbike and trekking tours. Yet that isn’t everything: in the cosy wellness centre you can relax and unwind and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the mountain world.

Motorbike holiday in Valsugana - Kaiserjägerstraße - Fiemme Valley

The Albergo Panorama motorbike hotel is located in the Fiemme Valley and is the ideal starting point for motorbike fans who want to reach most of the wonderful Dolomite passes after just a few kilometres. Numerous bends and breathtaking panoramas are guaranteed.

  • In the heart of the Dolomites – UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Owner Mauro is the motorbike expert
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Familie Bozzetta
Via Templari 51
38030 Panchia

More information about your motorbike holiday in Panchia

Non-binding request to the motorbike hotel in Panchia

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Your inquiry goes directly to the motorbike hotel: Albergo Panorama, Di Deflorian Maria, Via Templari 51, 38030 Panchia (TN), Italien, CIN: IT022134A1D5Y6ZCLZ

Offers of the Albergo Panorama in Panchia

The Albergo Panorama is the certified motorbike hotel in Panchia for your holiday in Valsugana - Kaiserjägerstraße - Val di Fiemme. Select your offer for your motorbike holiday in Panchia in Trentino here.

Prices 2017

Price per person and day Off-season High season
Double room with breakfast from € 37,00 € 55,00
Double room with half board from € 55,00 € 73,00
Single room with breakfast from € 43,00 € 61,00
Single room with half board from € 61,00 € 79,00

Offers of the Albergo Panorama in Panchia

The Albergo Panorama is the certified motorbike hotel in Panchia for your holiday in Valsugana - Kaiserjägerstraße - Val di Fiemme. Select your offer for your motorbike holiday in Panchia in Trentino here.

Your contract partner for inquiry & booking: Albergo Panorama, Di Deflorian Maria, Via Templari 51, 38030 Panchia (TN), Italien, CIN: IT022134A1D5Y6ZCLZ

Non-binding inquiry to the Albergo Panorama in Panchia

Are you interested in the prices and offers of our motorbike hotel? Please let us know your holiday requirements. We will be happy to send you a non-binding offer for your motorbike holiday.

Non-binding request to the motorbike hotel in Panchia

Durch das Absenden des Formulars, stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten - wie in der Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben - zur Beantwortung der Anfrage und Information verarbeitet werden. Diese Zustimmung kann ich jederzeit unter datenschutz@mts-austria.at widerrufen.

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Your inquiry goes directly to the motorbike hotel: Albergo Panorama, Di Deflorian Maria, Via Templari 51, 38030 Panchia (TN), Italien, CIN: IT022134A1D5Y6ZCLZ

Bewertungen vom Albergo Panorama in Panchia

Alle Informationen und Bewertungen zum Albergo Panorama in Panchia in Valsugana - Kaiserjägerstraße - Val di Fiemme findest du hier.

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Albergo Panorama Trentino, Valsugana - Kaiserjäger road - Val di Fiemme, 38030 Panchia, Via Templari 51