Motorbike holidays in Styria
Motorcyclists welcome: Biker holidays in Styria
Loser Panoramastraße
Steiermark Gesäuse
Steiermark Gesäuse
Steiermark Gesäuse
Mürztal Joglland
Steirersee auf der Tauplitzalm
Steiermark Gesäuse
Red Bull Ring
The green heart of Austria
Styria is not known as the green heart of Austria for nothing. After all, a motorbike holiday in Styria welcomes us with a variety of different landscapes and mountain ranges - ... from the Tauplitz, the Semmering and the Gesäuse to the Styrian Tuscany. All of them criss-crossed by plenty of winding roads. This charming region is therefore particularly well suited to motorbike riding. The mix of passes and mountain roads makes Styria a top-class MoHo region: with pass highlights such as the Sölkpass and the Soboth, the Ausseerland, the Mariazeller Land and southern Styria. The list could be continued endlessly with the corresponding curves...
Curvy salad with seed oil
Alpine in the north, urban with Graz in the centre and enjoyable in the south & east. Add to this the impressive 5,838 metre difference in altitude between the highest point on the Dachstein and the lowest in the Vulkania Heilquelle: it's contrasts within short distances like these that make Styria so exciting. From the imposing Alps to the picturesque vineyards, you can feel adrenaline and freedom in the saddle and take in rewarding tour destinations such as the Red Bull Ring, the Dachstein glacier railway or a culinary stop at the countless wineries and wine taverns as you ride past.
If you're at home on the Tauplitzalm like Herbert, then you don't know any straight roads. The curves are simply in your blood. In the Styrian blood, which, as the saying goes, is no noodle soup. And still the last kilometers on the way home under the helmet conjure up a smile on his face, Herbert reveals to us, who holds up the flag for the "Green Heart of Austria" in the circle of his MoHo colleagues.
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