Familie Linder
Untergratschach 11
9821 Obervellach
GPS: 46°55'3.80" N - 13°14'24.01" E
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Covered parking spaces Car park for car and trailer
Garage with tools for small repairs
Elaborated tour suggestions
Bike pure
Bike pure This is the meeting point for... This is the meeting point for bikers. This MoHo - Motorbike Hotel is the hub for bikers‘ get-togethers. Focal point are motors on two wheels and you can also find top addresses for club excursions here. The guests at the hotel are mainly motorcyclists and the bike competence on site is top.
Bike & Sports
Bike & Sports If the bike takes a break,... If the bike takes a break, then the body is revved up. The location and/or facilities of this MoHo - Motorbike Hotel offer the best conditions for many physical and sports activities like hiking, running or mountain biking. But there is also action-packed fun like rafting and canyoning. Of course, there are also experts that can accompany you.
Gas(t)geber Jens Linder

Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal S Motorbike hotel in Obervellach / Möll Valley - Grossglockner - Nockalm / Carinthia / Austria

Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal
Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal
Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal
Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal
Traumhafte Aussicht vom Hotel
Traumhafte Aussicht vom Hotel
Gas(t)geber Familie Linder
Gas(t)geber Familie Linder
Genuss im Motorradhotel
Genuss im Motorradhotel
Gemütliches Zimmer
Gemütliches Zimmer
Spielraum im Hotel
Spielraum im Hotel
Nockalmstraße Kehre 14
Nockalmstraße Kehre 14
Malta Hochalpenstraße
Malta Hochalpenstraße
Großglockner Hochalpenstraße Kehre 6
Großglockner Hochalpenstraße Kehre 6
Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal
Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal
Traumhafte Aussicht vom Hotel
Gas(t)geber Familie Linder
Genuss im Motorradhotel
Gemütliches Zimmer
Spielraum im Hotel
Nockalmstraße Kehre 14
Malta Hochalpenstraße
Großglockner Hochalpenstraße Kehre 6
from € 65,00 Price per person
Check availability
Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal S Motorbike hotel in Obervellach / Möll Valley - Grossglockner - Nockalm / Carinthia / Austria

Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal Motorbike hotel in Obervellach

Arrive between mountains & lakes and feel at home. At the Erlebnishotel Kärnten Mölltal – 4 km east of Obervellach – it's not just the impressive panorama around the Erlebnishotel that provides the right drive.

Your hosts, the Lindner family - hoteliers with heart and passion - are also bike experts by conviction. Host Jens not only accompanies his wife Manuela on the guitar with hits, evergreens and oldies, but also his biking guests on their motorbikes. The two junior hosts Sandro (trained barman) and Marco (chef), who have been infected by their dad's enthusiasm for bikes, are usually also part of the party. Together they have a wealth of insider knowledge about the sun-kissed cornering paradise of Carinthia and the tri-border region of Austria, Italy and Slovenia. Naturally, they love to share this expertise with their guests.

But even on motorbike-free days, there is plenty on offer here in Mölltal and at the adventure hotel - nomen est omen. Whether hikers, cyclists or outdoor freaks - the region has it all. And the Linders round off the programme in the evening: entertainment with live music from Manuela & Jens, romantic torchlight hikes and campfire evenings, regional specialities prepared by Junior Marco and Sandro's cocktail show.

Motorbike holiday in Obervellach

In Carinthia you get mountains and lakes. And plenty of them! The Mölltal valley at the foot of the Hohe Tauern mountains marks the northernmost region of the province and is the link between the Grossglockner High Alpine Road and the Nockalm Road. With the Malta Hochalmstraße and the Tauernschleuse at its centre.

Surrounded by the mountain ranges of the Hohe Tauern, the Karawanken and the Gurktal and Carnic Alps, the entire touring area of Carinthia lies before your wheels. From the highest mountain in Austria to the warmest bathing lakes in the country. In addition, the day tours lead to the neighbouring regions of East and South Tyrol, Veneto, Friuli and Slovenia.

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Jens Linder MoHo host since 2022

As a genuine Carinthian (for real!) and former driving instructor, I naturally know what is good and right for bikers in our country! Of course, mainstream is also part of it, but my personal favourites are off the beaten track and very few people know them. To keep it that way, I only reveal them to our guests on site at the adventure hotel. Really now!

to the host
  • Covered parking spaces

    Car park for car and trailer

  • Garage with tools for small repairs
  • Elaborated tour suggestions
Bike pure
Bike pure This is the meeting point for... This is the meeting point for bikers. This MoHo - Motorbike Hotel is the hub for bikers‘ get-togethers. Focal point are motors on two wheels and you can also find top addresses for club excursions here. The guests at the hotel are mainly motorcyclists and the bike competence on site is top.
Bike & Sports
Bike & Sports If the bike takes a break,... If the bike takes a break, then the body is revved up. The location and/or facilities of this MoHo - Motorbike Hotel offer the best conditions for many physical and sports activities like hiking, running or mountain biking. But there is also action-packed fun like rafting and canyoning. Of course, there are also experts that can accompany you.
Familie Linder
Untergratschach 11
9821 Obervellach

More information about your motorbike holiday in Obervellach

Non-binding request to the motorbike hotel in Obervellach

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Your inquiry goes directly to the motorbike hotel: Linder GmbH, Untergratschach 11, 9821 Obervellach, Österreich

Your host

A Family of Bikers and Multi-talents

For the Linder family, passion and enjoyment are at the top of the list! Only this way do things get done well. Like now with the motorcycle hotel.

Jens, the head of the family, is a musician, entertainer, craftsman, and, despite his name suggesting otherwise, a true native of Carinthia. Of course, he is also a biker through and through. Even when he was barely into double digits, he was already riding his moped on the local dirt roads. At 18, things got serious: he bought the now-legendary Grand Prix replica Yamaha RD 500 LC, at that time the only production motorcycle with a four-cylinder two-stroke engine. His friends respectfully called this road beast the "organ donor" back then, but Jens fortunately survived the two-way relationship without any crashes or injuries.

A few years later, the current MoHo host took a job as a driving instructor and quickly maxed out his annual mileage at 30,000 kilometers. Two-thirds of that was leisurely riding with his students, while the remaining third was fast-paced on his own. The tools of the trade were a 1000cc BMW boxer and a 750cc Honda, both coming from the driving school. Company vehicles with private use, so to speak.

In 2009, it was time to bring another bike into the garage. As a mature and sensible rider, the Varadero 1000 was his weapon of choice—and still is. Jens has grown fond of it. With manageable electronics and reliable technology, it has never let him down to this day. The many wonderful moments and memories have so far prevented any serious thoughts of a replacement. So, just like "Varahannes," he plans to hit 200,000 kilometers on the clock. Preferably "on tour" with his guests.

Junior host Sandro, primarily an award-winning bartender and cocktail master, developed his love for motorized two-wheelers in his youth, riding as a passenger with his dad. At the age of 15, he traded his savings for his first moped: a new Rieju MRT 50. A hefty dose of pride came with it.
Three years later, finally holding the pink license, Sandro invested in more cubic centimeters. A used Aprilia Pegaso 650 was acquired and lovingly renewed, restored, and modified. Tinkering with old vehicles has always been a passion of the young host. "They have a certain charm that just brings me immense joy when I ride," says Sandro, and he's not wrong. When asked about his favorite route, he hesitates: "I’m torn between the Großglockner and the Nockalm. After all, we’re sitting right in between."

Junior host number two: Marco. In his profession, the youngest Linder is the head chef of the family business. In his passion, he’s also a biker. He took his father and brother as role models—at least when it comes to their mode of transportation. As a new license holder (since 2020), he can now finally join his family members on tours. His entry-level drug: the Honda CB500F. In summer, his car basically stays parked in the motorcycle garage.

Manuela, the heart of the Linder family, is an enthusiastic hostess and the pearl of the house. She doesn't ride a motorcycle herself—surprise—but occasionally hops on the back with Jens because someone has to stay home and take care of the guests, and lately, a flock of chickens. As a coordination artist, you'll mostly find Manuela at the reception. Her passion is music, which can be experienced live during the regular dance evenings at the hotel.

Jens Linder MoHo host since 2022

As a genuine Carinthian (for real!) and former driving instructor, I naturally know what is good and right for bikers in our country! Of course, mainstream is also part of it, but my personal favourites are off the beaten track and very few people know them. To keep it that way, I only reveal them to our guests on site at the adventure hotel. Really now!

to the host

Angebote vom Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal in Obervellach

Das Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal ist das geprüfte Motorradhotel in Obervellach für deinen Urlaub in der Region Mölltal - Grossglockner - Nockalm. Wähle hier dein Angebot für deinen Motorradurlaub in Obervellach in Kärnten aus.

Motorbike tours in Obervellach from Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal

Choose your motorbike tour for your motorbike holiday in Obervellach now.

Angebote vom Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal in Obervellach

Das Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal ist das geprüfte Motorradhotel in Obervellach für deinen Urlaub in der Region Mölltal - Grossglockner - Nockalm. Wähle hier dein Angebot für deinen Motorradurlaub in Obervellach in Kärnten aus.

Your contract partner for inquiry & booking: Linder GmbH, Untergratschach 11, 9821 Obervellach, Österreich

Non-binding inquiry to the Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal in Obervellach

Are you interested in the prices and offers of our motorbike hotel? Please let us know your holiday requirements. We will be happy to send you a non-binding offer for your motorbike holiday.

Non-binding request to the motorbike hotel in Obervellach

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Your inquiry goes directly to the motorbike hotel: Linder GmbH, Untergratschach 11, 9821 Obervellach, Österreich

Bewertungen vom Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal in Obervellach

Alle Informationen und Bewertungen zum Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal in Obervellach in der Region Mölltal - Grossglockner - Nockalm findest du hier.

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Erlebnishotel Kärnten-Mölltal S Carinthia, Möll Valley - Grossglockner - Nockalm, 9821 Obervellach, Untergratschach 11